
On the eve of change

The wind of change blew into my life today as I began my new job. Today is the first day of my “next” that began about two years ago. One day, I began feeling really uncomfortable while working. It wasn’t the kind of discomfort that comes from work or stress. It was a lingering and familiar feeling of discomfort. I’ve experienced this feeling on the eves of changes in my life. It’s been the signal for my mind to open and receive the imminent change that was coming.

I believe that God makes our circumstances or environment feel uncomfortable when we’re on the eve of change. It’s a divine discomfort, even when things are seemingly good. It’s my signal that it’s time to go and grow. I’ve tried to ignore the feeling or hit the snooze button. But the change alarm blares until I reflect and identify the area where the change is going to happen.

I wish that it was an easy feeling to embrace because it’s an uncertainty that may create anxiety, if we allow it. However, this time I was open to the discomfort because it came around the time when I declared that fear would no longer rule my life. Remember, I was afraid of failing, letting others and myself down…even afraid of taking chances. Well, fear and I broke up because it never served me well. It blocked opportunities, lied to me and dimmed my shine.

Whether you have faith in God or the universe, it can’t co-exist with fear. And when I look at the two with logic, my faith has a better track record than my past connection to fear. Faith gives me the confidence to consider my possibilities and take the steps to achieve them. Fear stops me at “hello.” Faith slays fear – every time.

Photo by Sincerely media on Unsplashed

My confidence grew and swagger returned when I welcomed change in my life. Shedding my old fears silenced the negative self-talk. And let me tell you, it was the best diet that I’ve ever been on. Talk about getting rid of unwanted weight!

I went from thinking… to believing… to knowing that I’m equipped with the skills, gifts and strengths for opportunities that seemed too big for me before. Big like the executive level position that I began today!

The old, new me is high-stepping into a new season of change. And I have the biggest flex – confidence and knowing.

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I’m feeling my grown womanish self today. Filled with gratitude for my becoming that readied me for today. And celebrating my eve of change!



  • Jackie Tate

    Kim, thanks for sharing. Isn’t it amazing how when you choose faith over fear that your life becomes more amazing.. Likewise, fear has not served me well in the past. I’m excited for your new next- can’t wait to hear about the journey. This is our winning season and I’m so here for it. Xo, Jackie

    • Kim Dixon

      YASSSS!! Thank you so much, Jackie! You’re so right, there are so many amazing things that are on the other side of fear! I’m cherishing our winning chapters of life!! I’m going to ride this thing until the wheels fall off!

  • Harriet Pulliam

    I am extremely proud of you. As I’ve stated on numerous occasions, you are the definition of “Phenomenal Woman”.

    • Kimalon Dixon

      Thank you so much, Dionne! I’m happy that my post resonates with you. I appreciate the reminder – “I got this!”

  • Nicole Husband

    Just the inspiring post I needed right now, thank you! Thank you for sharing your story and wisdom, sister. So happy and proud to see you living your life to the fullest and conquering that fear to share your God-given gifts. You were made to do this, friend. Sending much love to you and sending hope that this new opportunity allows you to shine on just the way God planned for you. Congrats!!

    • Kim Dixon

      Oh Nicole, you really made my day! Thank you so much for your coaching, encouragement and confirmation. You’ve been a constant source of support whenever I needed it. A sincere thank you for sharing your faith-proven and inspired life with me.

      Continued blessings to you and your family!

  • Denise McCory

    Thank you for the reminder, Kim– that we need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable in order to grow. Fears are the stories we tell ourselves…

    • Kim Dixon

      Thank you, Denise! You’re so right, fears are false narratives. Once we recognize the discomfort that accompanies change as growth then we’re able to push past our fears. I appreciate your support!